0191 366 4386 | info@newvisioncareservicesltd.co.uk | 3 Middle Chare, Chester-Le-Street

Extra Needs Care

Living with mental and learning difficulties can be challenging, but we're here to provide the assistance you need. Our at-home care services cater to your unique needs and preferences, allowing you to live comfortably and confidently in your own home.

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We offer a wide range of services to help you live your best life, including skills training to assist with social skills, self-care skills, and employment skills. We also provide one-to-one support to help you cope with the challenges of mental and learning difficulties, as well as assistance with everyday tasks such as personal hygiene, dressing, and grooming.

At our service, we understand that everyone's needs are different. Therefore, we work closely with you to create a care plan that is personalised to your specific requirements.

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